ArcadeNetwork Alpha Season Waitlist Closed
ArcadeNetwork has closed its Alpha Season waitlist registrations on 28th April 2023. The round was intended to invite users with tech and crypto expertise for finding bugs in the application and provide feedback, out of the users who registered only 22 users would be selected. A total of 500$ had been reserved as reward for this round. The round was planned to run till mid of May 2023 but due to the massive response received, we had to close it much sooner than expected i.e. on 28th April 2023.
We will be selecting the 22 users in the upcoming weeks by analyzing their backgrounds and other details as per the internal criteria decided by the project. All the users who filled up this form shall receive an email with further details and steps to proceed.
The next step for the project shall be product launch for the public. We will be sharing further updates about the marketplace and various other exciting campaigns in the upcoming blogs and on our official Twitter Account (@tweetbyarcade). Till then, stay tuned with ArcadeNetwork
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